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    Well, it’s true, “beginner skiing” and “Jackson Hole” aren’t often used in the same sentence.  The vast majority of Jackson’s terrain features steeps, chutes and cliffs; making it “expert” skiing, indeed. If all this sounds intimidating for a beginner skier, don’t fret. Jackson Hole beginner skiing is located at the base of the mountain, completely devoid of anything that would make a beginner uncomfortable. In fact, you’ll probably forget that you’re at one of the most extreme resorts in the U.S., while you’re meandering down one of Jackson Hole’s green circle runs.  And there’s an upside to less beginner terrain, it means less beginner skiers. You can comfortably learn or progress without worrying about avoiding throngs of other beginner skiers on the slopes.

    Jackson Hole Beginner Terrain

    While Jackson Hole beginner skiing terrain is limited, compromising 10-percent of the mountain, it’s certainly not nonexistent. First-time skiers should stick to the beginner terrain off of Teewinot Quad and Eagle’s Chair. Between the two chairlifts, beginner skiers have six perfect trails to cruise along on. Peruse through the trees on Antelope Flats or for more wide-open cruising head down Pooh Bear or Eagle’s Rest.

    Jackson Hole Ski School

    If you’re a first timer or need to brush up on your skills, be sure to take a lesson with a Jackson Hole ski school instructor. As someone who skis the infamous steeps on a daily basis, you can bet that Jackson Hole ski instructors have a lot of knowledge and experience to impart, so where better to learn? Plus, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort offers a learn to ski guarantee; if you aren’t able to control your speed and make wedge turns after your first lesson at Jackson Hole Ski School, you get another lesson free until you master the skill.

    To learn more about Jackson Hole beginner skiing call, or chat with, one of Ski.com's Knowledgeable Mountain Vacation Specialists.

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